Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Talk

Today Jonah finally started saying Mama! He's already using Baba, Dada, and Nana indiscriminately. With the new baby babble that has entered our conversations, Tim and I are reminded of all the funny little baby phrases that our other boys used to say. For instance, Reed used to use the word "eeya" to start all of his sentences. So "eeya ball" could mean "I like this ball" or "this is a ball!" Sometimes if it was accompanied by a quizzical look it meant, "Where is my ball?" Since he was an only child while developing his language there was a lot of shorthand in his speech.

Simon, on the other hand, tended to speak in much fuller sentences but had his own way of saying certain words. His plothes (clothes) need washed. Especially if they're his favorite extracise pants. "I'm dirty" could mean he's dirty or that he's thirsty. The other day he told Tim he has ballerina. After further inquiry, it was figured out that he was trying to say diarrhea. Simon never quite figured out how to say the word so he ended up saying "Ballerrhea."

1 comment:

  1. Simon takes after his mom! Remember the big canary? (the grand finale at the end of the fireworks!) LOL!
