Monday, May 28, 2012

Reed graduates and turns 6!

On May 19th, Reed had his kindergarten graduation.  It was a fun ceremony where they interview all the kids about their favorite field trip and their favorite subject.  Reed's answers were the train ride and reading.  Afterwards there was a cake and punch reception.  He did such a good job reciting his memory verses (John 3:16 and Ephesians 6:1) and singing Jesus Loves Me with his classmates. Here is another from that day with  Emily and Abigail.

The other major thing for Reed this month is that he turned 6 on the 12th.  He asked me if he could have a lego party.  so we invited a few friends over to play and have cupcakes.  I put little candy legos on the cupcakes and we decorated with lego posters.  Here are some pictures of that.

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