Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well the tee-ball season is now over for the boys.  They both had great seasons.  Reed has improved greatly from last year.  He consistantly made outs every game.  On his first game he played first base and made 3 outs in a row in one inning.  His other favorite position was pitcher because he liked fielding the ball and running it home for an out.  He also enjoyed playing with his friends Isaiah and Justice.  It was such a blessing to have friends to play with who he already knew.  His coach was Chris Pohl who did a good job with the boys.

Simon's first season was fun for him.  He learned how to play as a team and listen to his coach.  He played all the positions and could field the ball pretty well.  He loved running the bases and drinking water with his friends in the dugout.  I think being on the field was a bit overwhelming but he hung in there.  It wasn't that unusual to see half of his team playing in the dirt instead of paying attention so I wasn't too upset when one of them was Simon.  I think the funniest time was when Simon decided to pick the dirt up and drop it so the wind would blow it.  The wind changed direction and the dirt ended up in his eyes!

Here are some pictures from our tee-ball season.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bedtime for Jonah

I'm starting a new routine with Jonah now that he's stopped nursing.  Now we cuddle in the rocking chair in his room.  I help him through a short prayer (he babbles and grunts like he's repeating what I'm saying) and then I pray over him myself.  After that I sing Amazing Grace and Jesus Loves Me with him.  Then we just rock and cuddle for a few more minutes until I lay him down in bed.  He is still awake when I put him down, but he's calm and stays settled down.  It is so nice to be able to enjoy some quiet time with my baby boy before he goes down.

Simon is now 4!!

Tuesday was Simon's birthday.  We celebrated by having family and friends over for a super hero party.  I tried to make it as laid back as possible so the kids had chicken nuggets from McDonald's with goldfish and spiderman fruit snacks.  I also put out the Bat Cave and all the superhero action figures I could find.   It was fun to watch all 10 kids playing together and in the backyard.

Simon has grown so much over the past year.   Here is an off-the-top-of-my-head list about Simon:
-He can now count past 20 and skip count by 10s.
-He loves to personify objects and make up stories about them.  One time I found him saying, "oh no! don't eat me!"  every time he put a grape in his mouth.
-He likes to cook.
-He can now peddle his own tricycle.
-He sings with more emotion than I have ever heard out of a child.  My favorite is when he sings Yesterday by the Beatles, although I don't know what troubles Simon has :)
-His favorite foods right now are grapes, peanuts, toast, and chicken nuggets.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Simon: Friend of animals

 Here is Simon and Newton hanging out in the laundry basket.  Simon likes to sit quietly with Newton when the cat wants to rest.  They have been known to  sit under bushes and trees together.  I've also found them in corners and other small spaces around the house.
Of course Simon loves his Aha. Elephants flock to him too :)

Seriously, Simon is a gentle soul who loves all kinds of animals.  He tells us his favorite animals are ducks, penguins, and birds.  He notices every little animal that comes along.  He's also the first one to come running when there's a dog to pet.  He even likes to touch those crazy scaly reptiles.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jonah at 11 months

Jonah has grown so much over the last couple of months.  He has really been working on his sounds lately.  His favorite thing to talk about right now is his rubber ducky that he takes baths with.  He calls it Duh.  He also now has names for Reed and Simon.  They are Dah and Bah.  It's especially evident when he's yelling at them to get their attention.  Jonah has also been practicing his car sound.  Now when ever he has a car in his hand be trying to make that brmm sound.  He also says, "bubblew" when we aren't quick enough at saying, "bless you" for him when he sneezes.

Our little Jojo is also quite the eater.  His favorites are bananas and chicken nuggets.  I can honestly say that I have never seen him turn down meat.  He is a protein eater.

Jonah really is quite the happy baby.  The only things that really frustrate him are when he wants to be with his brothers and he can't.  It has been so fun to see how he fits in with the other boys.  Simon seems to have knack for helping him feel better when he's sad.  Simon also likes to help Jonah go to bed and get up.  Reed is the one who tickles and chases him.    Jonah can usually get Reed to get him what he wants if Tim and I aren't around.

The other day Reed said to me, "Mommy, I'm so glad that we have a baby in our family!"  I agree, and I can't imagine life without him.