Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jonah's latest words

Every night, when I put Jonah to bed, I lead him in a prayer.  I usually let him come up with things to thank God for.  For the last week he has led off the list of things with milk.  I'm not sure why but milk ranks higher than cars and balls which is really high!  This is the boy who falls asleep every night with a car in each hand.

He also likes to ask the same couple of questions when he wants to engage in conversation.  Of course there's "What are you doing?"  And "What are you eating?"  Also, "What's that?"  His newest one is so cute!  It is "What's that sound?" 

Reed and Simon love the movie "The Princess Bride"  As a result "Inconceivable!"  Is shouted often around here.  Jonah has picked it up except when he says it, it sound more like "un-seeb-able!"  Or "unseeable!"

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